How crypto is leading the way in upskilling

Upskilling focuses on expanding employees’ abilities and scope of knowledge within their current field. Our always-on mentality toward upskilling drives investment in the growth and advancement of our global team through initiatives like our Talent and Development program.

Why invest in upskilling?

Doom and gloom about technology eliminating human jobs has been around for hundreds of years. But how often do we hear about the other side of the coin?

New technology like generative AI empowers a workforce with ideas and new, creative directions. We believe companies that adapt to these latest tools –  encouraging reskilling and upskilling – will be those best poised to reap their benefits.

The World Economic Forum’s 2023 Future of Jobs Report predicts 50% of all global employees will need reskilling by 2025 as technology adoption increases. 

Future of Work thought leaders appreciate the benefits of upskilling:

Upskilling looks different for every company. Our Talent & Development program prioritizes investing in our Krakenites, supporting our 2,300+ globally distributed Krakenites in 60+ countries.

So far, we’ve had great success with our upskilling courses. Krakenites that attend our workshops report a satisfaction score of 94%.

How Kraken approaches upskilling

Thematic training options

Flexible, continuous and self-directed education opportunities foster a company full of lifelong learners. Themed training months — focusing on the latest crypto industry developments — empower employees. When AI burst onto the scene in 2023, we introduced a “Productively Paranoid” session integrating AI tips aligned with Kraken’s security policies.

In-work learning

A variety of structured learning opportunities are integrated into our workday. Monthly info sessions cover key crypto topics, allowing Krakenites to upskill their knowledge through crypto fundamentals sessions and  also address topics like time management and burnout prevention.

Listen and learn

We foster a culture of continuous improvement by building courses based on Krakenites’ feedback. We provide sessions such as How To Talk About Crypto With Friends and Loved Ones, Derivatives and Futures in the DeFi World and Secure Elements, (where Kraken Security Labs reviews hardware wallet design and functionality). 

Social learning and gamification

We encourage Krakenites to act as educators, sharing expertise with peers every day through internal channels, cohort events and knowledge sharing platforms. Incorporating gamification into learning management systems enhances engagement and motivation. Our client engagement team organizes regular trading competitions – a form of dogfooding – to familiarize teams with our products.

Learning content ≈ Business strategy

We align learning content with our organizational priorities and business strategy, starting by clearly defining the skills required for different roles. We need to be comfortable learning on the go and operating with Savage Velocity — which requires focuses on cultivating an ownership mindset, clarifying priorities and embracing constructive disagreement. We always assume positive intent and commit to collective decisions.

Leveling up with soft skills

Soft skills — such as communication, teamwork and problem-solving — enable adaptable, cohesive teamwork in our rapidly evolving industry. While technical skills in blockchain development are irreplaceable, collaborative efforts and engagement with diverse teams, stakeholders and global communities are integral to the success of any crypto project.

That’s why Krakenites built our Level Up series. These trainings develop soft skills, building resilience, conflict resolution and time management:

  • Art of Assertiveness: Krakenites learn to identify their level of assertiveness, explore assertive behaviors, practice saying “no” tactfully and apply assertiveness techniques to various situations. These skills empower confident communication  and effective boundary-setting.
  • Embracing a Growth Mindset:  Krakenites are taught the difference between fixed and growth mindsets, how to assess their position on the growth mindset continuum, and how to implement growth mindset strategies into their work approach.
  • Power to Influence: Krakenites explore how to identify their strengths and areas for development. These sessions cover how specific behaviors expand influence and detail steps Krakenites can take to drive positive change within the company.

Upskilling: A circular journey

Investing in growth and development through upskilling is a necessity in today’s crypto workplace. It benefits all involved. Upskilling is one of the most important tools for employee retention, helping any organization to maximize in-house talent. 

Want to stay ahead in crypto? Get started in the Kraken Learn Center:

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